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Steve Gamel
Jan 25, 20242 min read
Your vs. You're: It's Not That Hard
Of all the grammar mistakes we've highlighted on the Edit This® blog over the years, the one that consistently drives me nuts is when...
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Steve Gamel
Feb 4, 20212 min read
Your vs. You're: Why is it so hard?
I had the privilege of doing a short Zoom presentation this week for students at the University of North Texas. The topic: your vs....
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Steve Gamel
Apr 17, 20192 min read
Edit This Grammar Lesson: Your Vs. You're (Revisited)
If you had to pick one grammar mistake that drives you up the wall when you see it, what would it be? I'll give you a few minutes to...
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Steve Gamel
Dec 6, 20183 min read
7 Grammar Mistakes To Avoid In Business Writing
We'd all love for everything we write to be error-free. Unfortunately, grammar mistakes happen even to the best of us, whether it's in a...
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Steve Gamel
Oct 5, 20171 min read
Edit This Grammar Lesson: Your Vs You're
Welcome to another Edit This® grammar lesson. I know what you're probably thinking: "Oh man, I've stumbled upon another blog post on the...
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