Welcome to another Edit This® grammar lesson. In today's blog post, let's discuss the difference between Fair and Fare. Do you know when to use each one?
Most of you might be saying, "Why, yes, I do!" But for others, it's not that easy. These are perfect examples of homophones – words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings – and they trip more people up than you think.
But don't worry, as we are here to clear up the confusion.
Fair is the one option out of the two words that has the most uses in everyday language, so even if you don't remember the difference between fair and fare, use fair, and your odds of being grammatically correct will increase significantly. Most commonly, fair refers to being just, unbiased, and treating people or situations equally. It is also used when talking about an event or something pleasing, clear, and clean to look at.
* Those boys won't play fair.
* The forecast calls for fair skies.
* He deserves a fair trial.
* Leslie is the fairest of them all.
* Let's all go to the county fair.
We use fare when we are talking about money spent on transportation, a range of food, or how someone performed in a particular situation or over a longer period of time.
* How did John fare on the quiz?
* The bus fare is only a quarter.
* The cook serves fine Italian fare.
Call Edit This in Denton, TX for all your writing and editing needs
It's fun to tease friends on Facebook or point out errors in written copy, but any spelling or grammar error in business writing – brochures, your website content, blog posts, press releases, newsletters, a postcard, etc. – wreak havoc on your company's image.
In fact, studies consistently show that when choosing between two companies, customers prefer the one with clear and error-free written communication.
If you're interested in having Edit This handle your company's content writing and editing needs, give us a call today! We can write copy from scratch or spruce up what you already have. Bottom line, when it comes to grammar, everyone could use an extra set of eyes.
*STEVE GAMEL is the President & Owner of Edit This, a writing and editing services company located in Denton, TX. Steve handles anything involving the written word. Give him a call today to help give your business a clear voice.