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8 Reasons Why No One Reads Your Blog And How To Change That

Writer's picture: Steve GamelSteve Gamel

You've been consistent with your blog posts and are having a lot of fun writing what you think is useful and entertaining content. But you wonder why no one reads your blog.

It's painfully obvious that they don't. Not only do the analytics show that you're getting zero traffic, but you can hear a pin drop every time you share a new blog post to social media. No shares, no comments, and no likes. It's like you're writing to an audience of one – YOU.

It's frustrating when no one reads your blog. I promise I've been there. Heck, am I still there?

Is anyone reading this?

The first thing to realize is that building a blog that people can't wait to read takes time. You may be doing everything right, but if you just started a few weeks ago, you can't expect to have hundreds or thousands of unique followers already.

It's way too early to beat yourself up, wondering why no one reads your blog.

I publish a blog post for Edit This® every week, and I don't think I really started getting quality engagement until a year or two into it. And I gotta tell ya – it felt amazing when it happened. It was one of those moments where I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. There was hope for my blog, after all!

Here are 8 possible reasons why no one reads your blog and how to change that.

You're not posting enough

You can't create a following if you write one post and then take two months off. You have to be consistent. You also have to post frequently. If you're blogging once a month, consider ramping up to weekly. A blog that is consistent and frequent is seen, trusted, and read more.

You're not providing solutions

I could give plenty of potential reasons why no one reads your blog, but if I'm not offering practical solutions to change that, why would you keep reading or come back? There are people out there who simply read for the educational, informational, or entertainment value, but many others visit blogs to find solutions to the problems they have. They want to learn something new and overcome an obstacle. So give them what they want by offering value.

There are not enough keywords

Keywords are simple words and phrases that potential readers enter in online search queries. You want the keywords on your blog post to be relevant to what people are searching for so they can find you. For example, a keyword phrase I used for this post is "why no one reads your blog." Here is a great article that sums up the importance of keywords and another on search engine optimization.

Your content is boring

You may think your blog is useful and interesting, but that doesn't mean everyone else does. Your content needs to be both entertaining and relevant to what people are searching for online. You can do this by searching online queries to see what questions are getting asked the most. Also, read other blogs in your industry to see what is or is not working for them. Catchy headlines and images are helpful, and avoid all those big words that don't resonate with readers. Here is another blog post I wrote with more ways to make your content more readable.

You're using one social media platform

Another reason why no one reads your blog may be because you're not using social media to your advantage. I met a lady last week who only shares her blog posts to Facebook. That's a big mistake since there are so many other platforms (LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.) that she could also be sharing to and possibly reach different people. You have a better chance of staying in front of more people if you do.

You're leaving readers hanging

Respond when people do comment on your blog – even if it's a simple "thank you!" I tested this theory a few weeks ago with someone who posted their blog with a contest. They never responded back. As a result, I probably won't comment on any of their posts moving forward. Showing appreciation builds a community, keeps the conversation going, and helps you build authentic relationships with those who see you as an authority.

You don't use backlinks

Backlinks are links in your blog post that push the reader to well-known sites. The more backlinks you have, the more likely Google will rank you higher in search results. For example, I have backlinks for two articles earlier in this post. Another thing you can do is include links in your posts to other blogs you've written that relate to the same topic. If someone happens upon one of your posts, you can easily push them to another with a single click.

You ignore social media-less clients

There are millions of people on social media. There are also plenty of potential customers who refuse to get on that bandwagon. Combat this by building an email list of your clients and visitors and sharing the link to your posts in an email. That way, you push more people to your website. You can also repurpose older blog posts into a short presentation at a networking meeting, and then tell people how to find your other posts on your website.

Did I leave anything off the list? Let's keep the conversation going!

Call Edit This for all your blogging needs

Give Edit This a call for all your writing and editing needs – and that includes blogs. Many times, business owners understand the importance of consistent and frequent blogging, and maybe they aren't necessarily afraid of running out of great ideas. They just don't have the time to do it.

Let Edit This handle your blogging needs. We create relatable content from scratch or work with you to perfect your writing.

*STEVE GAMEL is the President & Owner of Edit This, a writing and editing services company located in Denton, TX. Steve handles anything involving the written word. Give him a call today to help give your business a clear voice.

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