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Edit This Grammar Lesson: Berth vs. Birth

Writer: Steve GamelSteve Gamel

Welcome to another Edit This® grammar lesson. In today's blog post, we will discuss berth vs. birth. Do you know the difference between them?

Berth and Birth are examples of homophones – words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. And they trip more people up than you think.

So, let's dive right in, shall we?

Berth has a few meanings. Just a few include when referring to ships and where they are anchored (such as a dock) and how much space they need to pass by something safely. It can also refer to a fixed bed or bunk (usually on a ship or train). In sports, berth refers to a spot or position earned by a team.

* The soccer team earned a playoff berth last season.

* That ship needs a wider berth to pass safely.

* We docked our boat at its usual berth.

* Each passenger had their own berth to sleep on.

Birth simply refers to the act of being born. It also means to bring forth.

* Childbirth is a wonderful blessing.

* Mom gave birth to her fifth child today.

* John's birth certificate is missing.

Call Edit This® in Denton, TX, for all your writing and editing needs.

It's fun to tease friends for grammar mistakes or point out errors in other written copy. But any spelling or grammar error in business writing – brochures, website copy, blog posts, press releases, newsletters, etc. – wreaks havoc on your company's image.

Studies show that when choosing between two companies, customers prefer the one with clear and error-free written communication.

We hope you enjoyed today's blog on berth vs. birth. If you want to have Edit This® handle your company's content writing and editing needs, call us today! We can write copy from scratch or spruce up your writing. When it comes to grammar, everyone could use an extra set of eyes.

STEVE GAMEL is the President & Owner of Edit This®, a writing and editing services company in Denton, TX. He is also the author of Write Like You Mean It: Mastering Your Passion For The Written Word. Steve handles anything involving the written word. Give him a call today to help give your business a clear voice.

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