I'd imagine some writers prefer a traditional 9-5 work schedule. And there's certainly nothing wrong with that – it's consistent, we grew up watching our parents do it, and it breeds a quality work-life balance.
But I often wonder how much quality writing they're actually getting done versus doing most of their writing during odd hours. In other words, early in the morning or late at night!
For example:
* 4 a.m. to 9 a.m. for the early birds in the room
* 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. for the night owls
* A healthy combination of both, depending on your mood
I've tried a traditional work schedule with my writing but find myself distracted by phone calls, texts, meetings, events, unforeseen additions to my schedule, etc. So, a blog, website copy, press release, magazine article, or manuscript editing project done during the day might take me double or triple the time it would normally take me during odd hours.
That's not to suggest that happens to me EVERY time.
I'm also not suggesting that I don't write anything during what's considered normal hours. That's simply not feasible or practical when you own a successful writing and editing business.
But there are numerous benefits to doing most of your writing during odd hours.
A Few Benefits To Chew On ...
Enjoy a distraction-free workzone (it's sooooooo quiet!)
Productivity levels are generally higher
You're more relaxed/less anxious
There's nothing else on your to-do list
A fresh mind means improved concentration
More efficient writing (you get more done in less time)
Fewer writing mistakes
You may find that you're more creative
Better time management
Normal work hours (9-5) are then freed up for new work, client meetings, answering calls and texts, networking events, business development, rest and recovery, etc.
I've bounced back and forth between getting up super early or staying up way past bedtime. For example, I'm writing this blog post after midnight. Three days ago, I got up at 4 a.m. to get some work done before getting the kids up for school. What I've found in each instance is that I'm more alert, creative, and efficient in getting my writing done during those odd hours.
The moral of the story is to find what works best for you as a writer.
If that means writing from 9-5, then do it! But don't be afraid to try something a little off the beaten path. You may just find that doing most of your writing during odd hours helps you get more done in less time and frees up your day to focus on making your writing career better than it already is.
Need Some Writing Business Tips? Call Edit This!
I feel an incredible sense of responsibility to share with other writers and editors who are just starting out on their own what worked for me, what didn't, what I wish I did differently, and everything in between. This way, they can start their writing business faster and with more confidence than I ever had all those many years ago.
A writing consulting and coaching professional works collaboratively with a writer to help take their passion for writing from a hobby to a successful freelance writing career. We aren’t your editor, writer, ghostwriter, or second set of eyes, and we won’t take the steps toward small-business ownership for you. But we will coach you through getting that business started, including giving you practical advice, actionable step-by-step instructions, accountability and structure, and anything else we can do to help you overcome obstacles that may pop up.
Everything starts with a FREE 30-minute call. From there, you’ll have three 45-60-minute phone, Zoom, or in-person sessions per month, where we provide customized step-by-step instructions to keep you on track and turn your hobby into a successful writing business.
There are hundreds of ways to flex your creative writing muscles and build a successful freelance writing business. And we want to help.
Thank you for reading!
STEVE GAMEL is the President & Owner of Edit This®, a writing and editing services company in Denton, TX. He is also a consultant and coach and the author of Write Like You Mean It: Mastering Your Passion for the Written Word. Steve handles anything involving the written word. Give him a call today to help give your business a clear voice.